
this is midnight, we've only had him for about a month. he is very very well trained but like any guy hrse he is stuborn. i actualy took him to compatition on march 18 and he


this is chance he is our baby colt he was born on march 15. that is Laurie she is my uncle jimmy's Ex. GF but we still tlk to her


this is Shooting he is our oldest horse we've had him for 14 years. and he is a really good barrel racing horse. he actually my first horse and he is awsome.


this is Timmy he is my barrel racing horse and has been since shooting "retired" which was like 5 years ago. and he is really good at i haven't been to a compotition in 4 months. i've been using dot. but anyway it's because he broke his leg. i haven't seen him in along time.



this is Choco, he isn't my horse but i still luv him. if you ever meet a horse, u would have notice the older they are the less stuburn they are, well then i guess you could say choco is a little old for his age. well he is 8 in human years. but anyway he hurt himself the other day. we were practicing barrels and he sliped in a mud puddle and hurt his leg. he is a the vet and am very sad.